Darach Rope & Pole Party
When: Sunday August 14th, 2022
Where: Lord Kelvin’s Floral Fortress: 5045 Floral Dr. Ventura, 93001
What: Bring a pair of work gloves and helping hands for the afternoon. We will be fixing up the Shire ropes and wood poles in time for Great Western War. Some sanding and staining and a lot of fun.
Summary:Today was a huge success.Many thanks to Aran Darkhelm, Cathy Alia La Rousse, Xandelin Xsaturn, Justin Ekback and his lady.Truck was emptied, poles were sanded and refinished, ropes were inspected, repaired and oiled. Pegs were inspected and straightened were necessary.Great job. -Kelvin
Pictures from the Event: