Notice– There are two offices open this year
The position of the Youth Activities and The position of the Chronicler.
If either writing or games with children interests you and you would like to get more involved with Darach Shire stuff, now might be the perfect time find out more about it. Send a message to the seneschal at if you are interested either of those positions or training as deputy. If you just CAN’T wait.. you can pop by the shire meeting on the first Wednesday of the month. Zoom link for virtual attendance is announced on under the group “Darach.”
The Regnum is a list of officers with various responsibilities within Darach and the SCA. These are the people you can contact about events and activities in the Shire of Darach. Each contact person is listed by his or her Society name.
Catherine Ainsdale of Lancashire
The office of the Seneschal is a facilitator of policy and procedure from the local to corporate level. Within the Shire, the Seneschal has responsibility for and authority in legal matters. They are ultimately the one responsible for real-world legal, financial, and operational matters: sites, contracts, waiver, policy, and making sure the SCA governing documents are followed. They may delegate some of this authority to Deputy Seneschals and Event Stewards as appropriate and in accordance with Shire culture.
Albra Katerine Marie Isabel Bautiste
The Minister of Arts and Sciences is responsible for fostering the study of period culture and technology, and methods for producing historically accurate artifacts and performances. His/her duties include coordinating the efforts of kingdom Arts and Sciences officers, and promoting the dissemination of accurate information about the fields under study. The office also assists the Chronicler of the Society and the editors of Society publications in confirming the validity of research presented to the membership.
Richard James MacCausland
The Chatelaine is in charge of Newcomers’ Relations. Each SCA kingdom has an officer in this position, known as the Chatelain(e) or Hospitaller that will assist new members who wish to get involved and attend events. SCA events require that those attending make some attempt at pre-17th Century dress. This can be difficult at first, not having any period clothes. Gold Key is the answer.To borrow garb, feastware, or new member resources from the shire’s Gold Key, contact the Chatelaine to make arrangement
Merlin Grey
The Chronicler’s duties are to oversee non-electronic publishing in Darach. These items include the shire newsletter, The Oak Leaf, any event flyers, leaflets or handouts for promotional material. The Darach Shire newsletter, The Oak Leaf, can be shared and published digitally, also.
The Constable is in charge of keeping the peace and maintenance of lost and found. At local events this role can also include helping people with parking and maintaining event perimeters.
Kelvin of Tynedale
The Shire Chancellor of the Exchequer reports to the Seneschal, and is in charge of all financial activities and accounts the Shire holds. This office compiles financial information reported by all local events of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., to be used in the SCA’s tax returns and other financial reports.
Richard James MacCausland
Heralds in the Society for Creative Anachronism have many jobs. Administrative responsibilities, ceremonial roles, and as source of technical expertise. The Herald is your local stop when submitting a name and personal device.
Thomasina MacGregor of Tay
The List Table is the location where competitors sign in and where the Minister of Lists keeps track of the paperwork necessary to actually run the tournament and participants order on the field. At the end of the last session, the Minister of Lists will tally up the wins and losses for the combatants to view. Depending on the Tourney level, the results may be submitted to the Kingdom.
Sir Philip De Will o’Aston or
The Marshal of Darach Shire is responsible for the local martial activities in the SCA, including armored combat in tournaments and wars, rapier combat, siege weapons, combat archery, target archery, and equestrian activities.
Éadaoin inghean uí Cruadhlaoich
The webminister updates the shire website, and oversees electronic publishing in Darach and maintains this website. Any questions or suggestions on content, please direct them towards the webwright.