Event Archive Page – 2023 Darach Pirate Tournament

Aug 26th, 2023

Valle Lindo Park       889 Aileen St, Camarillo, CA 93010, United States

Past Event Archive PageArr! Avast, ye scurvy dogs, th’ summer’ll soon be thick upon us w’ th’ sun a harsh mistress, blazin’ high n’ fierce ‘cross land n’ sea, lashin’ our hides n’ boilin’ our brains ‘til even the roughest jack among us’ll be scawlin’ like a hungry babe in a wet nappy! Comfort’ll be a fine treasure then, to be sure, for all that it’ll be hard to secure but if ye be interested…?

Thar be tell of a place where th’ shade spreads like honey over grasses as soft as a maidens…fresh baked bread, ‘neath azure skies where th’ air be rich with COOL BREEZES perfumed by th’sea. Tis called th’ Shire o’ Daaarach, a haven for all gentleman n’ ladies o’ fortune to take their leisure w’ GAMES o’ chance n’ amusement, a bit o’ SONG, n’ no small amount of BRAWLIN’ fer yer entertainment. So if ye th’ wind to outrun ol’ Jack Ketch then ruck up yer gear and make fer shore!