Event Archive Page – 2022 Darach Pirate Tournament

Darach Pirate Tourney *

Darach Pirate Tourney 2022

When: Saturday August 6th, 2022    8:00am – 5:00pm

Where: Valle Lindo Park, 889 Aileen St, Camarillo, California 93010. (North-East corner off Coe St.)

What: Our beloved Pirate themed event. Eye Patch Contest! Children’s Scavenger Hunt! Jolly White Parrot!

Arrrrr! Avast, Ye scurvy dogs, th’ summer will soon be thick upon us w’ the sun a harsh mistress, blazin’ high n’ fierce cross th’ land n’ sea, lashin’ our hides n’ boilin’ our brains.

Comfort be a fine treasure then t’ be sure……Thar’ be a place where the shade spreads like honey over grasses n’ breezes cooled n’ perfumed by th’sea. Tis called th’ Shire of Daaaaarach, a haven for all o’ fortune to take their leisure w’amusment n’song, n’no small amount o’brawlin’ fer entertainment, n’even t’teach the young to hunt for their own treasure!

So if ye want to outrun ol’ Jack Ketch, then ruck up yer gear and make for the shore n’remember t’wear yer best eye patch for ye shall be judged!

Event Schedule:
8:00am Site opens
9:00am Lists opens
10:00am opening announcements
11:00am Th’ Brawlin’ begins
5:00pm-ish Closing announcements
6:00pm site closes

Registration Fees: $15 Adult Event Registration, $10 Adult Member Discount Event Registration. Children under 18 are our guests. Cash and check only. Make checks payable to SCA, Inc./Shire of Darach.

General Information: Once again we will be at our favorite park: Valle Lindo Park, 889 Aileen Street, Camarillo, CA 93010. We will be at the back of the park, off Coe St. This is a dry site. No open fires. No stakes longer than 7 inches. Animals must be licensed and on a leash with their guardians. Due to excessive city fees we are not encouraging merchanting. We do, however, have permission to hold a “White Parrot Sale” as a fundraiser.

Directions: Take the 101 freeway to the Carmen Dr. exit in the city of Camarillo. Go North on Carmen Dr. to Ponderosa Dr. Turn Left onto Ponderosa and continue to Lantana St. Turn Right onto Lantana to Coe Street for one block to the back of the park where our tourney will be held.
Please park and unload QUICKLY in the loading zone, then park on the nearby side streets.

Event Steward: Dame Thomasina MacGregor of Tay
Email: senechal@darach.org

Photos from the event courtesy of the populous, used with permission: